Making the Book
A video on the making of the book
Inside the book: Chapters
Chapter 1 | Setting Sail: The Malays and their World
Chapter 2 | Singapore, A Nusantara Kitchen: The Kampong Gelam Hearth
Chapter 3 | In Gardens and Lakes of Plenty: Ecologies of Taste
Chapter 4 | Rustic Trails: The way of Forager
Chapter 5 | Rich Harvest, Ocean Bounty: Malay Crops, Livestock and Fishing
Chapter 6 | A Repertoire of Techniques: Preservation and Preparation
Chapter 7 | Culinary Curiosity Cabinet: Tools and Implements
Chapter 8 | The Healing Earth: Food as Medicine
Chapter 9 | More Than a Palate Cleanser: Dainties and Delights
Chapter 10 | Elok: The Aesthetics of Malay Cuisine
Chapter 11 | Lyric Flavours: Food in Verse, Tale and Song
Chapter 12 | The Rice Spirit and Other Stories: Symbolism and Mythology
Chapter 13 | Scenes from Malay Feasts: Rituals and Observances
Chapter 14 | Where Monsoons Meet: An Arena of Cultural Exchanges
Chapter 15 | Mother Culture: Shifting Borders of Malay Cuisine
Chapter 16 | Epilogue: The Future of Malay Food
Follow our journey
The limited edition of The Food of Singapore Malays with its slipcase
Kueh Bakar Berlauk, also known as
Kueh Choro/Chara Lemak
The author with the inaugural
First Lady of Singapore, Toh Puan Noor Aishah
A large ceremonial wooden biscuit mould for making
Putu Kacang Hijau
Gulai Lemak Turi - a Malay coconut milk based curry with Sesbania grandiflora leaves and sweet potatoes
Author’s notecard, designed with quote: The nourishment of the body is food, while the nourishment of the soul is feeding others
Bunga Kantan (Etlingera elatior) or commonly known as torch ginger - both flower and fruit are used in Malay cuisine
Nasi Lemak - traditional flavours applying traditional principle of balance and harmony
Kitab Petua Memasak ( Cooking Tips Book ) published in 1926 is a compilation of recipes in Malay in Arabic script
Malay tea time
Off to a picnic at the Botanic Gardens with a 12-tier mangkok tingkat / rantang / tiffin carrier
Fermented sticky rice prepared in rubber leaves wrappings